While performing your duty, expect neither approval nor disapproval. Do your work with the utmost love.
This love alone will attract grace, and all that you do will become the
worship of God. You will see you own self in this worship.
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October, 2013

Brush Fire Alert!

Many of the burn areas in our Southland have not been burned for many years. The University Of Montana School of Forestry have published many articles explaining the air quality from these kind of burn areas. Basically the longer the time between burns, the greater the contaminates of which there are many, lead and Mercury being the most toxic. If you exercise outdoors, don’t while there are brush fires in the area.

nother factor in burn areas is poison oak and sumac which have toxic oils that float around in the smoke.  We breathe in that oil and it results in what looks like bronchitis or pneumonia. It is actually a histamine or allergic reaction to the poison oak/sumac.

Years ago, during the deadly La Canada/Flintridge fire we figured out how to help the body protect itself from what we call fire flu. A well balanced body will resist exposure to the creepy uglies.

Flu Vaccination Time

Speaking of which, this is flu vaccination time. It is my understanding that flu shots have 3-4 different flu types in them even though there is NO evidence that any of them are active in our area. Time after time the Center for Disease Control have reported the ineffectiveness of flu vaccinations. The down side is for a few days or weeks those getting the shot are contagious and can and do spread a here to fore nonexistent flu to our area. It just doesn’t make sense to my scientific brain. It does result in big money from the Feds who shell out Big bucks to contaminate us. Google the ingredients in flu shots and be cautious.

Depression Hurts

A lot of clients on my table have complained of depression, lack of motivation, feeling of emotional paralysis and general sense of stuck. I get it too. Sometime I feel like I have tried everything I know to move but still stay stuck not knowing what to do next. Fortunately I am connected to a world network of truly great healers. There seems to be a pattern greatly stimulated by fear information from the media, financial analysis, governments and advertising. Please consider limiting your exposure. 

Adjustment Heals

Khelly WebbBeing well adjusted does help keep you centered and healthy according to the research. I do have some new client spots open. For appointment call 562-433-7395. See you soon! Should you wish to email me the address is www.khelly@centerforhealinglife.com. The newsletter is sent from another address so don’t use that one. That address will send you a once a month reminder that you are signed to receive the newsletter. Should you not want to hear from us just unsubscribe. I promise we will not sell your email like some. Should you have those who want to subscribe go to www.centerforhealinglife.com and click on newsletter.

While you are there fill out the Wellness check and see what kind of help you might need.

Many blessings for a beautiful, healthy autumn.

Khelly Webb, DC, CCSP, FIACA, CNET, CSMD, Upledger CST, TBM, etc., etc.

Health is the gift of love you give your Self
Center for Healing Life.com
Long Beach, CA
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