Many blessings for a delightful fall season.
Our Friend... Snot?
The winds and dryness are here as I write. That means our mucus membranes are having to work harder to protect you from inhaling dust, spores and smoke particulates. Advertising would make you think that mucus is a bad deal but it is our protection in our nose, bronchial system, lungs, stomach, intestines and female gonads. We need our snot!
The best way to protect, clean and lay down new protection is with diet of clean healthy, fresh veggies, fruits and clean meats. And water! You need about a quart of H2O for every 50 lbs. of weight. Sugar, dairy and grains, especially gluten grains make a mess of mucus.
The over-the-counter (OTC) drugs dry up the mucus in your colon and causes constipation which is another problem. What to do!? Gargling with warm salt water helps an over mucused body. So does gargling with vinegar water, lemon and water. One of my favorites, that I learned in Italy, is gargling with 2 tablespoons of olive oil for 3 minutes then spit out. You can wash the mouth out with warm water. Oregano oil is another good one BUT be extremely careful because it can burn like heck. Only a drop per quart is enough.
Look at a cold as a seasonal oil change. If you have fed and taken care of the body then the oil change is relatively easy. Most mucus changes are in the spring and fall. However you can count on a mucus change about two weeks after sugar holidays.
That is about all I have to say about snot. If you have questions about your immune system please ask. Regularly adjusted clients have 10 times the immunity strength than the average person according to British studies. Call 562-433-7395
Break Free from the Coffee Pot
Many people like to wake up to coffee. The current “news” would have you believe that caffeine is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Neither one is very good for you. The best thing to wake up to is 8 ounces of warm/hot water after brushing your teeth. You can make tea out of ginger and a bit of honey. Warm/hot apple cider has a greater waking energy impact than caffeine. There are a lot of alternatives to caffeine. Give your adrenal glands a treat and eliminate caffeine from your diet. You will be amazed how well you sleep and how calm you feel, less jittery and less explosive in stress situations.
Keeping Up With the Times
Over the past 37 years (wow!) my practice has been about teaching you to take care of your bodacious body by getting care, massaging your cuticles, walking 30/ day, drinking water, eating real food, processing the emotional/stress stuff, and growing stronger immune systems, minds, and spirit. There has been a lot of rap about the “changing” in Dec 2012. No one, that I can discern, knows what any of that means. However as I read bodies there is something different. The old protocols are not as effective. Doctors who use my kind of protocols are all abuzz trying to figure the new formats.
It is exciting to watch. Fortunately my teachers and mentors prepared us well to meet these challenges. The process of adjusting you may look the same however it is not. Thanks to the internet, we are connected worldwide so we can share our findings. I am looking forward to 2013 to see what else shows up. These are exciting times.
Taking Good Care of Yourself Is More Effective
Than a Plethora of Preventive Testing
I ask that you stay conscious, remain alert, do your meditations, journaling, and take extra care of your mind, body and spirit. Stay away from the fear mongers on TV, social media campaigns and print media. I recently attended a UC Irvine medical school conference where I learned about a piece of research that found that the more diagnostic tests a healthy person received the sicker they got. The conclusion is that we don’t need a lot of the preventative tests. The conclusion is very few pathologies are found, however the stress of waiting to go to the test and waiting for the test results caused undue stress making a person develop psychosomatic illness!
A reminder about how great a raw egg is for burns. The coolness of the egg and the albumen in the egg white heals a burn IF apply immediately.
R.I.P. John Upledger
Over the past two years many of my teachers have passed on. This month, another great teacher, John Upledger passed. It is sad to see such a genius on brain function and the developer of CranioSacral techniques pass after several years of dementia. I like to think that he was in his head trying to figure out the process of dementia so it can be understood and healed. Maybe he will channel his findings from the other side.
Halloween is a Dangerous Holiday
Wednesday, October 31 is my least favorite ‘holiday’ because of the dangerous impact of ‘treats.’ Type two diabetes, which used to be called old peoples diabetes, is one of the fastest growing diseases among small children and teens. Sugar metabolism issues are the leading cause of blindness, amputations, kidney failure and heart issues due to a disease. Do your children a favor and do not ‘treat’ them with sugar. How about a dime or quarter? Some parents ‘buy’ the spooky haul with a trip to Toys R Us or a trip to a favorite location.
The Bunches
Over the last many years, Martha and Ray Bunch have been my web masters.
The beautiful art you see on my web site, is Marty’s creation. I am in such awe of her talent, insight, humor, sense of color, love, compassion and knowledge of computers.
It is a cosmic giggle to be with this huggable, white-haired Grandma, usually dressed in purple and Bling, when she starts talking computerese with a young whippersnapper who thinks she can’t possibly know computers.
Ray is the mechanic who backs up the systems, supports Marty’s habit of the ‘have to have’ the latest and greatest gadgets and make sure she eats. Who needs food when there is a computer to play with? He is as great a mentor to many people as he is Practitioner for Science of Mind.
Their kindness, inclusion, generosity talents are boundless. I feel so honored to have them as my support team. Thank you a Bunch!
Room for New Patients
I have new patient openings. Call 562-433-7395. For you, and others, go to www. and complete the Well Check listed on the home page, print the results and bring it in on your next visit for a free interpretation and recommendation for future care.
In the past I have offered a once-a-month package of 12 adjustments for a reduced price. Should you be interested in doing this, please talk to me. You can purchase the package with a credit card if you like. 2013 is in just 8 weeks! Have you done your holiday shopping yet! Health is a gift of love you give to your Self and others.
Center for Healing
Long Beach, CA
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The above info is for information only. Each of you deserves a personal evaluation for your healthy body. You can address questions to or call 562-433-7395. I appreciate your referrals because that is the only entry in to the Center For Healing Life. Many Blessings- Khelly Webb, DC. CCSP. FIACA, CNET, CSMD, etc., etc |