While performing your duty, expect neither approval nor disapproval. Do your work with the utmost love.
This love alone will attract grace, and all that you do will become the
worship of God. You will see you own self in this worship.
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June, 2013


The Fourth of July is coming. Many of our pets hate this day and the noise that comes with it. Call your pet store and inquire about alcohol Bach Rescue Remedy for pets. Humans can use the alcohol free remedy or buy human rescue remedy at your health food store.

Place a few drops in your pet’s water, food and treats. Rub a drop on their noses, in the ears and on the front paws. Apply every 15 minutes or so, until your pet calms down or falls asleep. RR is a homeopathic so less is more. A drop here and there works very well.


There are others who have difficulty with the fireworks and those are combat vets. The noise, vibration, smell, flashing light is bothersome for many. Use ear plugs, and Rescue Remedy as directed on the label. If you know of those with PTSD tell them about my work with emotional physiology. Tell them that they don’t have to remember the memory.


These suggestions are for information only. Each of you deserves to have your own personal examination for treatment. I have to say that disclaimer.

Go to www.centerforhealinglife.com for new patient intake form and Wellness survey. Or call 562-433-7395.

Please do share the newsletter with other pet owners.

Khelly Webb, DC, CCSP, FIACA, CNET, CSMD, CranioSacral Tech. Etc., Etc
Health is the gift of love you give your Self
Center for Healing Life.com
Long Beach, CA
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