Many blessings for a happy and prosperous summer.
If you haven’t already figured it out, there are oodles of creative energies flying around the Universe. I know some of you are feeling like you are on a rollercoaster, some of you can’t get your motivation in gear. Others are in a vibration of anxiety. The lucky people feel nothing or things are finally working out for you. Those of you who are empathic feel that this energy vortex is all you. It is not. Do not take it personally.
Besides getting re-aligned, adjusted and re-calibrated to the energies what else can you do to help your Self? Drink room temp water (about a quart per 50 lbs.), walk up a hill or stair for 15 minutes, walking in beach water, meditation focusing on grounding your feet into the magnetic earth center. And Breathe!
Those of you who have been around, know I cannot resist a scrumptious, new study of mind, body, spirit and beyond. I am into 6 months of a delicious two and half year study with Richard Jelusich, Ph.D. on the psychology of the chakras.
What is a Chakra? It is an energy plexus that has a,” specific influence on our basic consciousness; the way we perceive and react to our environment.” To quote Jelusich, “The difficulty became how to explain the influence of the quality of the soul, through the chakras, as an emanation into this dimension of consciousness. How do you explain the esoteric disposition and life orientation of another human being as it describes that person’s life purpose, strengths and weaknesses? And how do you put metaphysical information into practical words to help someone have a productive and meaningful life?”
Good question. That is what I am learning to do. I will continue to do the regular old rack’ em and crack’ em feel-so-fine chiropractic adjusting. The oh-so-helpful Emotional Release work nutrition, allergy work and all of the other goodies and I will add this stuff because it works. Mysterious as it is right now it gets results. I may ask you to breathe in a specific way as I work on you.
There are many chakras or nerve plexus in the body however most of us know of the seven (root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown) that run thru the center of the body. For now I would like you to meditate on these spots by breathing in and out of each one for 5 breaths. Some of you will find it easier to breath in the front and out the back or vice versa. Or even a combination. There is no right way. Start with the sacral chakra (orange) and go to the third eye (butter yellow or indigo) breathing the five breaths. We express life thru all of the chakras from our creative Second to what I call the Divinely Inspired All Seeing/Knowing third eye. One of the chakras is our dominate expression. As I learn more about that expression I will be able to identify what your dominate chakra is and what gifts and lessons are for you. Won’t that be fun and useful? In the mean time you can read all about it by going to and ordering the Eye of the Lotus, Psychology of the Chakras by Richard Jelusich, Ph.D.
I have space for new clients. The summer hours will still include weekend mornings.
This is skunk season. Did you know that? You have probably smelled them. One of my clients is an expert at cleaning her skunk-chasing dog. She swears by this formula- ¼ cup baking soda, 1 cup water, 1/8c liquid dish soap. Lather in and then rinse off. Condition the coat with whatever you have around, rinse and dry. Your dog will be squeaky clean for the next round with a skunk.
When I was a kid, dogs and cats seemed to live longer and not turn gray so fast. I have often wondered why they age so quickly these days besides all of the vaccinations they receive. Research is showing that gluten in animal food is causing the problem. Animals fed gluten-free products do better. If your pet is having trouble with stiffness and seems to be aging too fast check out the gluten free products or make your own raw food.
Back in the 80’s I was a founding mother of World Congress of Women Chiropractors. I recently had an opportunity to talk with a student chapter at Southern California University in Whittier. It is nice to see that it is still influencing future DC’s. I am currently teaching a master’s adjusting class which is a lot of fun. An E-article on headaches is included in some of my work. There is a lot going on.
Should you have spent batteries or CDs or DVDs I am collecting them for the Aquarium of the Pacific feed the animals fund. It cost about $90,000 a year to feed the five otters. They eat one fourth of their body weight a day! Thank you for all of your wonderful referrals.
Thank you for taking care of yourselves. You make it a better world. The information in this newsletter is meant to be informational only. Each person deserves a personal exam and analysis to determine care. Call 562-433-7395 for your personal time for care.
Many blessings
Khelly Webb, DC, CCSP, FIACA, CNET, CSMD, etc. etc. |