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Top Mast Head
June, 2008 Vol 6


OPENDOORS are scheduled for May 31,
June 1 and 14, and July 12 from 10 to 1

Only established clients, including children. New people or clients with new injuries please call 800-710-3450 for an appointment for care. No appointments are necessary for OPEN DOOR Adjustments- just show up during the specified times. It is first come, first serve- head to toe adjustments or toe to head. No nutrition, no emotional work. Just rack’em and crack’em fast and feelin’ good adjustments! Activator too. Payment is $75 to $50 cash or check per person. No billing, no discounts, no insurance, no reports, just plain old chiropractic adjusting! Place your shoes in the shoe basket, clean out your pockets, take off jewelry and fill out the pink sheet which you will hand to the doctor when it is your turn. Please have your cash or check fee ready for the Purple Kitty and be ready for your feelin’, good life supporting adjustments. OPEN DOOR adjustments take 3 to 6 minutes. Tell your family, friends and enemies about Center for Healing Life. Thank you for the referrals.

OPENDOORS are scheduled for May 31, June 1 and 14, and July 12 from 10 to 1

Sunday one hour appointments are 25, June 15, July 13.

Please call the scheduling gang at 800-710-3450 to make your appointments or Sundays and the usual Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays. You can go to www.centerforhealinglife.com or more information on schedules, techniques, self help information and activities.

Money often costs too much
—Ralph Waldo Emerson

Like all of us, you have been pondering what to do with the scare tactics we have been bombarded with about the economy. Money does not just disappear.  It is a matter of being open to receiving it and knowing who has it.

Money and gas are not our most important resources.

Our health is THE most important resource without that you cannot meet the demands that are being placed on us. In these times of uncertainty it is important to nurture your health.

These are my suggestions.
  • Get adjusted 1-2 times a month. OPENDOORS are scheduled for May 31, June 1 (new time) and 14, July 12 10 to 1
  • Attend the 9 am class before OPENDOOR. No appointment or reservation necessary. $10 for class.
  • Sunday hour appointments are available on June 1 and 15, July 13
  • Attend a group NET class at the office, 7pm, June 4th. We will use NET and Emotional Release Techniques to help you release the stress and pressure in your mind and body. Please call 800-710-3450 to reserve your chair. One does not have to be a client of the office to attend.  Many of you have attended Group NET sessions before and have found them relaxing and useful in relieving stress and pressures of life. Other NET classes are on Wednesday, July 16 and August 13 from 7pm to 9.
  • Drink 2.3 an ounce/pound of weight or about one quart of water/ 50 pounds daily. This will help energize your mind and body and release depression. You will have more energy to meet the day.
  • Get 8-9 hours of sleep /night. This will also increase your energy.
  • Replace caffeine with 4 oz of heated apple juice. It will give you more energy without the negative impact of caffeine
  • E-mail me with your questions and concerns, there is usually an easy answer. Khelly@centerforhealinglife.com
  • Walk 30 minutes a day
  • Practice getting off the floor. Get on the floor near a sturdy bed or chair and use it to pull yourself up to the seat or knees then to standing. Also practice rolling over. Falls are a leading cause of health issues. You must be able to get off the floor by yourself.
  • Cut out the sugar. Sugar is costly and empty of calories. Yea, I know it tastes good. Food is about nurturing not mouth entertainment.

Group Net Classes for Health, Wealth And Inspiration

Group NET classes will be held on June 4, July 16 and Aug 13th. As a group we will address the fears and phobias of current events, issues around money and the future. There will be a FREE SKATE at each session for your specific topics and questions. The classes will be $15 cash or check or $35 for all three classes when paid in advance. One does not have to be a client of the office so bring your friends, family and enemies (warning, they may become your friends). We will also share handy health tips of how you can address common, at home ailments with household products and foods. And we will laugh so bring your sense of humor.

There will be other classes on fat content, how to use your personality to address your concerns, a symptom survey of your health issues and what to do with them, how to use foods for healing, how to use simple acupressure points to help yourself, how to run meridians to enhance your health and how to boost your immunity over and above what the adjustments do. These methods are simple and take only minute or two.

What you can do for me is let me know the best times/days for classes. 

Organize Your Organization with Me

I am also available to teach any of these stress reducing classes to your organizations. You can even use the classes as fund raisers. Over a dozen of my NET papers have been published on everything from relationship with God, to belonging, depression and grief, relationship with mom/dad/family, eating issues, goal setting, corporate cooperation, flying issues, war/combat trauma, etc. You have a lot to pick from for topics 

Let us let go of the victimization of Americans and get this life under some kind of control and reduce the stress. All things are for the good and we can figure out how the current events support us. BJ Palmer said, "We never know how far reaching something we may think, say or do today will affect the lives of millions tomorrow. It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness" Let us light some candles.


Khelly's Website

Khelly Webb, DC, CCSP, FIACA, CNET, CVCP, CSMD, Upledger Cranio Sacral, Retained Primitive Reflexes Technician.

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