While performing your duty, expect neither approval nor disapproval. Do your work with the utmost love.
This love alone will attract grace, and all that you do will become the
worship of God. You will see you own self in this worship.
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July, 2008 Vol 7.1

Open Door and Sunday Appointments

Hi, just a reminder that OPEN DOOR is July 12, 10-1 July 26 10-1, August 9, 10-1. This is an excellent time to balance the body for the challenges of life. No appointment necessary for OPEN DOOR

Sunday hour appointdrkhellywebb@listserve.comments are July 13th. July 27 and August 10. Call 800-710-3450 for appointment

Group NET class Wed. July 16, 7-9pm.
The group emotional release classes allow us to better handle what the world is giving us to handle. We will address the fear and grief over our changing life. We will also empower each other to move forward with ease and grace, love and peace. This is not talk therapy. We will learn easy-to-use techniques for balancing and centering the mind and body. In past classes these techniques have changed lives to the better. Fee: $15 cash or check. Be prepared to enjoy yourself.
Breakfast and a Great Talk
Dr. Webb will be presenting a fun and effective talk to We Succeed, which is a leaders group meeting at the Grand on Willow, Wednesday, July 9th at 7:30 AM. This breakfast meeting is $20 and open to those who are in the alternative healing professions or support those professions. You are welcome to join us. Bring your business cards or pamphlets for the group.
Speaking of Love…

A wonderful new book by Eve Hogan is Intellectual Foreplay. Discover the key to exploring compatibility or deepening partnership. Improve your chances of finding the right partner. These questions will enlighten and make you think about who YOU are and who you want to become in the world

The way to move thru the current chaos is by coming from partnership with human kind and the earth, expressing love and respect and helping another even if it is with a smile and kind word. Many blessings

K Webb
Should you have questions, comments or suggestions E-mail


All of the above is for information only. Each of you is an individual and needs to have an individual exam to determine what works for you. Center for Healing Life is located at 3450 E. Spring St. Ste 102 east of Temple and west of Redondo in Long Beach, CA 90806, 800-710-3450.Khelly Webb, DC, CCSP, FIACA, CNET, CVCP, CSMD, Upledger Cranio Sacral, Retained Primitive Reflexes Technician.
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