While performing your duty, expect neither approval nor disapproval. Do your work with the utmost love.
This love alone will attract grace, and all that you do will become the
worship of God. You will see you own self in this worship.
January, 2016 Vol-1

Khelly WebbI am sitting here pondering what I can share with you about you and your mind, body and spirit. My Web-mistress, Marty suggested I review past newsletters in the archives on my web site. 2016 is a 9 year and so was 2007. I had to change the phone number and a few other things but basically you are reading what was going on about health and self-care in 2008-9. Enjoy. I am available for physical and health coaching, adjusting those bones and the nervous system and nutrition, emotional release work. 2015 was a year of seminars focusing on healing of the spirit, finding what sparks enthusiasm, compassion and passion in these times that seem to be recalcitrant and messy.

While performing your duty, expect neither approval nor disapproval. Do your work with the utmost love.  This love alone will attract grace, and all that you do will become the worship of God. You will see you own self in this worship. —Gurumayi

January, 2008 Vol 1

"There are no problems, only opportunities
to prove and improve yourself"
—Craig Schommer.

2007 was a 9 year, endings of a lot of stuff. 2008 is a 1 year beginning of a lot of opportunities for the next 9 years. People are feeling stuck in the chaos rather than seeing it as an opportunity to heal. The crap in our lives is really the fertilizer for growth.

May 2008 (2016) be the most inspiring year for you. May your dreams come true. One way to make them come true is to have a plan, work the plan, have a coach to guide you to work your plan, be healthy and energetic. It helps to get the road block of inadequacy out of your path by using the Emotional Release Techniques offered at Center for Healing Life. For coaching, emotional release and support for your life call 562-433-7395 for an appointment. See http://www.centerforhealinglife.com/major_techniques_NET.html for more information. 

Your friends and family can sign up for the newsletter by going to the website home page and signing up on the form in the lower left corner.

Brighten Your Brain
Research shows that people who learn new things live longer with brighter brains and memory. So take a class in knitting and join the men and women who knit mittens and hats for the poor and refugees. Or take some other fun class. Long Beach State at Senior University or at Long Beach City College

That Diet Word...
This is a great time of year to go on that diet that goes through the New Year so you on't become toxic from the holiday foods. Experiment by leaving the chips and dip, sugar stuff, sodas, booze in the stores and go for healthy holidays this year. Wear a jacket when the temperature dips below 70, sleep 8-9 hours a night. Forget to watch the news. There is nothing new there anyway. It is just doom and gloom. Create your own happy, joyful, blissful reality and traditions. Drink a quart of water for every 50 pounds, walk 30 minutes a day. Take a friend out to lunch, sign up for a class on a subject that is totally new to you.

READ ALL ABOUT IT       From 2009

  • I have copies of two published articles on using the Emotional Release Techniques with cancer patients or others going through catastrophic events. If you would like copies of these articles from University of Pennsylvania, Jefferson-Myrna Brind Center of Integrative Medicine. Postage and copy costs are $8.00
  • Many people believe that the stress, anxiety, confusion and just plain scared and fear is depression. It is not. It is grief for all of the losses we have experienced: finances, jobs, life style, security, fear of the future—and the list goes on and on. The emotional release techniques work wonders on these issues. Let me help you. Well-adjusted people adjust well to circumstances.
  • An email is circulating about coughing to assist in coming out of a heart attack. This is not true and is well documented in the rumor control web sites. It is always best to check these sites before forwarding. Or go to Google and type in rumor and the subject.
  • I am starting a fiction book exchange at the office. If you have books you would like to share, exchange, or give away, bring them in. It’s free, earth friendly and fun.
  • Someone asked me why I throw away the paper towels and other patient products and not recycle. There is actually a law in California about deposing of products containing patient fluids. If you should like to reuse your paper towel take it with you. Some people keep them in the car to clean the windows.
  • Melatonin neurotransmitter has been in and out of the news for years as a sleep aid and jet lag relief. Research also shows that melatonin which is generated when you sleep in a very dark or totally dark room appears to control blood sugar in type 2 diabetes. This has been published by Nature Genetics, Circulation, Science News and other sources.
  • Many of you sleep with the TV on or a night light which negates the totally dark room. Even having unshaded windows in the city night lights negates melatonin production during sleep. Since Type 2 diabetes is the number one cause for illness-generated blindness, kidney failure and amputations, it is probably a good idea to make some changes in the bedroom.
  • Here is a yummy one! Clinical Nutrition, June 2004 (yes, it is an old study) found that pomegranate juice reduced carotid artery atherosclerotic stenosis (a condition that can lead to strokes) by 35% after drinking 3oz a day, every day for 12 months. You can get real pomegranate juice from Trader Joes.

Keeping in Touch

Thank you for all of the support and referrals. Thank you to whoever taped a beautiful sunset colored rose to my door handle. What a fun treat to come to work and see. Please share the newsletter with your family and friends. Contact me Indxe of our websitethrough Khelly@centerforhealinglife.com. If you reply to the newsletter it will go thru my web master first. You might want to use the above address. Do visit and share the web site www.Centerforhealinglife.com for class info, schedules, self-care hints, and information on our work.

This newsletter is informational only. Each person gets to experience their own personal exam and care. Please call 562-433-7395 for your personal experience. 

Khelly Webb, DC, CCSP, FIACA, CNET, CVCP, CSMD, Upledger Craniosacral

Thank you for your referrals. I so appreciate them. New Patients can call 562-433-7395 for appointment. Experienced patients can Email or call.

Health is the gift of love you give your Self
Center for Healing Life.com
Long Beach, CA

“Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously.”  Hunter Thompson

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